Friday, December 4, 2020

Delphi Integer Types

Delphi Integer Types

Exploring Dephi Integer types


I counted 21 different Integer types generally available in Delphi. If you add to this the Pointer and Currency types (that seem like integers but are not the same as integer types) the number becomes 23. Additionally, there are at least three platforms available to the developer (Win-32, Win-64 and Linux-64) not to mention others making a somewhat daunting array of choices facing the developer. Actually, it's not that daunting and once you get matters sorted out in your head, it's a pretty well-organized and logical system. But, since I've been meaning to explore RTTI (Runtime Type Information) for some time, it was a good excuse to write some simple code to explore Integer Types using RTTI.

As a framework, Ordinals are one of Delphi's Simple Types. A Taxonomy of Delphi Types can be found at About Data Types (Delphi)

Simple types consist of Ordinal Types and Real Types. Ordinal Types include Integer Types but also Character, Boolean, Enumerated and Subrange Types. This blog is concerned with Integers with a few comments tossed in about Real (in the form of Currency) and Pointer Types.


I started by writing a short Delphi Console application that displays some of the RTTI properties for Delphi's Integers. Next, I consolidated the output from running the application three times, once as a Windows-32 app, once as a Windows-64 app, and once as a Linux-64 app.

You can download the project from GitHub:


I recommend downloading the project and then opening the Platform Types.pdf file in the Output folder. It will be much easier to read than the thumbnail that I'm showing here.

Platform Types


Refer to the RAD Studio Docwiki Simple Types (Delphi).

According to the Embarcadero DocWiki, Integer types can be platform-dependent or platform-independent.

Platform-dependent integers

These are shown in the salmon-colored area of the spreadsheet. Their properties change from platform to platform as you might expect from their classification.

Platform-independent integers

These are shown in the blue-colored area. As you can see, their properties remain the same across all three of the platforms.

Non-conforming integers

These are shown in the green-colored area. Although they serve largely as integers, they are not considered integer types. They are included here as a matter of interest and completeness

Platform-independent Integers

The largest part of the chart is taken by the Platform-independent Integers. Under most circumstances, you will use Integers that are Platform-independent. Further, the most common choice is likely to be the Integer type. The fundamental types are a result of two characteristics:

  • The range or length of the Integer. Integers can be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes in length.
  • The signedness of the Integer. Signed Integers can represent both positive and negative numbers; Unsigned Integers are only capable of representing positive values.

In fact, there are only two fundamental types for each of the four range values; one for signed and one for unsigned.

ShortInt and Byte
represent signed and unsigned Integers of one byte in length respectively.
SmallInt and Word
are the signed and unsigned types of two bytes length.
Integer and Cardinal
are four bytes in length and designate signed and unsigned values respectively.
Int64 and UInt64
handle valaues eight bytes in length, signed and unsigned.

Each of these fundamental types has a number of aliases which may be used in place of the fundamental type. There are undoubtedly other aliases I haven't mentioned, and additionally any developer is free to define his own aliases local to his application, although doing so should be approached with caution so as to avoid unnecessary clutter and confusion.

Platform-dependent Integers

According to Marco Cantù’s Object Pascal Handbook,1 the Integer types

NativeInt and NativeUInt
adapt to the Pointer size. Hence, if you need an Integer that adapts to the Pointer characteristics, these are the choice to make. In other words, NativeInt and NativeUInt adapt to Pointers on the Native Platform.
LongInt and LongUint
are used when it is necessary to map to native platform APIs. Since mapping to API functions is not frequently encountered, you will probably not find yourself using these types a great deal.
Pointer and Currency
A Pointer is a Main Storage addressing mechanism, thus you would expect it to change size depending on platform. In fact, it does just that, being 32 bits on 32-bit platforms and 64 bits on 64-bit platforms. Also note that RTTI handles Pointers differently from Integers. The TypeKind value for Pointer is different from all other types illustrated.

The Currency type is actually a floating point number that behaves like a fixed point number. It always has four decimal places and is included to facilitate monetary calculations with no loss of precision. Currency has a TypeKind value of 4, indicating that it is a floating point number.


Under most circumstances, Integer will probably be your best choice for integer representation. If a different range or signedness is required, a type can be selected from the fundamental types with the required characteristics. Using the real names (not aliases) of the fundamental types will help readability. You will undoubtedly find uses of aliases in code you are called upon to maintain, but if you keep in mind that an alias is nothing more than a different name for something you're used to handling, there should be no problems with understanding.

  1. Cantù, Marco, Object Pascal Handbook—Berlin Edition, Embarcadero Technologies, July, 2015, (PDF) 

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